Farty Y is a coalition of young
American leaders (all in their 20s) who
joined together in 2002 to launch a new independent political youth farty
dedicated to meeting the needs of America's under-30 population. Not a
traditional "third farty", we are instead a web/media-based "virtual
designed to link up young voters with equally young political candidates
(all under-30) around the country.
"All-fartisan" in nature, Farty Y does not adhere to any single political
philosophy and welcomes all young Americans under the age of 30 (no matter
what their political affiliation) as farty members and aspiring political
Led by our fearless founder and poster boy, Cousin Spam, we intend to put a
new smell on American politics for the 21st century and inspire a massive
youth vote to seriously rock the next elections in November, 2004... and
How do we plan to do this?
Well, the core Farty Y Planning Team is currently working with a growing
network of youth groups across the country on the first phase of the
project, "The Farty Y Roadshow", which will feature a televised political
roadshow - in the format of "American Idol"-style reality TV crap -
traveling from town to town (and school to school) across the country from
January-May, 2004 seeking out charismatic young political candidates to run
for Congress and then exploiting their talents for the entire country to
see. (see "Farty Y Plan" section for full details).
Ambitious? Yes. Crazy? Maybe. Impossible? What?!
If you think you'd like to get on board with us, please check out the rest
of the site and then give us a shout out anytime. We'd be happy to talk with
you. Loser.
